Wednesday, July 17, 2002

The Fallen Angel

The fallen Angel

When i look up to the sky
I see the heavens...I stand on the earth
The glorious creation...
Who did this?....Does it matter
I am the new crusader...On a mission of importance
Your cause killed many
Mine will justify the fallen....
The people like me....Fuck you....I live for me
Pictures and words of the ages
When will the bullshit end
And you will pay the price
All i ever see is death and violence...Tell me...Who is all powerful now?
Those who kill for faith..are the same who raise crosses
Are the same who kill for god,evil??
The same to damn the ignorant?
The same who make you change to suit the church?
Make a wish...and it will be fulfilled if god likes you
Eat an apple...get stronger smarter and .....DAMNED
Losing your mind...And your soul
Damnation is your punishment for being unique
Well i am a believer!!Happy now??
Hell no...Fuck you and your twisted ways
Read the bible..its so full of double standards
I am not evil...Just fed up with you!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen this is not a song...But a opinion
dedicated to....

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Blinded By The Guiding Light

Blinded by the Guiding Light

Rise up..and declare your loyalty..
Confess your sins....And make them mine
Life,Fading out,Slipping away....Is this different?
Fight for the right to be yourself

Point the gun..And make a wish
Spark up the joint..Say a prayer
Invite me in...Make me welcome
Abuse me and make me whole

Freak of the night...Parasite twin
Cold as ice..Dead forever
Azrael or vetis..
The king or the hierophant

Revolution finally within your grasp
Freedom ....You can see it now
Falling away from it all
Guided by the light of this.....

Priceless advise is making you believe
Breathe in . Breathe out...Stop breathing
In debt to what you think is real
Suffer for your beliefs....And carry the scars

What is it all about??You ask
Never did a single thing wrong
Haunted by what is now gone
Believe in me my son....And go blind

Let me breathe...get away from me
Triple sixes in the sky..
This is real..Too real
Let the stone rain fall

Who ruined it all...
The dark man?...Or the father
Never going to get this
Understanding is a fallacy...And we are flawed

Ignorance..Believing in something stronger than you
It comes back to bite you in the ass
Stuck is where we are right now
Why did i take this from you?

Vengeance is what i live for
End this please...End it now
Lust for blood...the crusades
Spread the holy it was a curse

2000 years or 2000 times
Sin is in the eye of the beholder
Of you weigh the consequences love is a killer
And hate is the only saving grace

I ask of you...Go away
I need you to kill this little world
With your bombs...Illuminate the night
As the saying goes.....And then there was light