Wednesday, July 10, 2002

End Of My Rope...

End of my Rope

I don't owe a thing to you
Fuck you ...Poser
Always ending up on my heels
Never breathing your own air....Fucking parasite

Forced into the edge of a cliff...
My back to the wall...
Killing me with your little hopes
My brother??...Son of a bitch...Just like me

Worthless and whining ..Never on your own
Lets go back some...You never grew up..
The rebirth of this shit,,Emotion flowing
Motherfucker Go AWAY!!!!

Liar.....You fucked up now
LIAR...go away and die!!
LIAR...killing me..Watching my every move
LIAR!!!!!.....Lied for the last time

Needing a place to fit in...i helped you
Wanting a good life...And i helped you
Look at this fucking body bag
Out of control...I will make you fit in

I will bury you and your lies..
You never knew how it is to be me
At the end of my rope...Suicidal.Homicidal..
This is me...The man i hid from you

Twisted and motivated..Kiss the sky and meet your maker
Show me the reason you are a worthless fuck
I may spare you the horror and go ahead and kill you
You stabbed me in the back ...and i will use the same knife and shove it up your ass

Counterfeit.....Wannabe..fool were never yourself
Show me your mind...Just let me tear into it myself
Represent yourself..And go to hell

You let me down..And i forgave you
You let the rest down..and i forgave you
You tried to be me...And you will pay
Killed all that was me....Big mistake

And when you fall apart i won't be there
When you fall on your face...I will grind you into the asphalt
When will you wake up and wonder about your life
And you will regret ever knowing me

You took so many things from me
And destroyed them
My mind...My trust My time will get yours..A 12gauge should cure you...And cure me as well

Motherfucking coward..You took my pain as yours
Or so you said...My fucked her too
Chopping block under your head
Dickless yellow bastard...I WILL FIND YOU!!!!