Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Dead Element

Dead Element

You were right...It is over
And you want nothing else from me,,,,
I can't make it right..I needed you
All the dreams i had....Were for you...

I just wanted a life...You tore it away
I wanted everything you won't give
Given it all to you...For what?
I have killed it all for you...And only you

Destroyed my life and lividity
Breathing the air you breathe
I want you...Needed you
Now its over...My life...My love...My everything

I cant see the reasons involved
Nor do i want to accept them
I guess i'm a martyr for your happiness
You know...Fuck my feelings....And my mind

Nothing will get me to believe again
You are dead to me now..
Not as a person...But as an angel
It's the luck i have...To love And lose...And lose again

Consecrated by my lack of everything
Damned by my lack of you
Pushed away and scorned by you
Never will you realize what i could have meant to you

Do you love?...anyone
Do you need?..Anything
Do you want?...It all or nothing
Do you care?...About anyone alive
Do you see the nightmare you caused?....Hating me
Do you care i die?....Again and again

Sick and tired of this..
Wanting the unreal
Needing you,,,,your life your mind
Your heart is black now....Funny i never realized it

Pulling me apart...why wouldn't you choose
One or another...overcome
This hell you put me through...What did i do wrong??
Failure...Something i am..Will forever be..And ....

Now i see....you are so cold
In your heart i was just a game
I loved you...why???
I was taken in by your love...seemingly wrong

Gone and never coming back..
Why did i fall for this?
Needed something i will never again want
Wanting someone i don't need

Well you are forgetting me
Never wanted me
Never again